I have been wanting to start a blog for a while. So I am finally just jumping in! This will be a place to share happenings with my family. I figured out how to make my blog pretty now I need to figure out how to make it interesting!
I ordered some movies for the kids for Valentine's Day. I want to TRY to get away from the candy for every holiday. Every holiday has such fun candy offered just for that holiday! We are still eating candy from Christmas! Okay I have to admit we just DISCOVERED candy from Christmas. I bought it as gifts to mail to my nephews and it was hidden in the closet. Note to self: find a new hiding place for presents before Matthew's birthday. Anyway, I hid it and forgot about it. So the kids have been enjoying Ring Pops and Kit-Kats with Christmas designs on the label. I can't mail that!! I will have to get some Valentine's candy to mail. Ummm what was I saying about no more candy!