Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Around Town- South of the Border

     There are a few blogs I started reading because I was looking for information on Walt Disney world. Then other blogs I started reading because of looking for information on Hawaii. I started thinking. I too live in a tourist area. Not as big as WDW or Hawaii but a destination non the less. So I figured once a week or so I will have a post dedicated to touristy stuff in or near Myrtle Beach, SC. I know my kids are going to LOVE this new feature on my blog because they will get to visit that place:)
     The first post in my around town series is not even in town. LOL But if you travel I-95 to get to South Carolina you passed it and the billion signs telling you to stop! If you guessed South of the Border you are right! I never would have dreamed about stopping. It looks like a little gift shop city. Lots of bright lights, and gifts shops within a block. What caught my eye was the sign for Reptile Lagoon. My son LOVES reptiles! So I had to stop for him.
     Once we walked in we were greeted by a man who was enthusiastic of the reptiles. Not only was he at the front but he strolled around the lagoon and started conversations about the reptiles. He was full of information and was able to answer questions easily.
     The first area had alligators and crocodiles. There were many different species to see. Matthew was most excited to see the Nile Crocodiles!
We then made our way through a tunnel with snakes in glass on either side. Matthew of course was excited about this too! He was able to name the snakes before I could read the information card to him! As a mom I thought it was so cool they had a step stool for the kids to look at the snakes on the top level! At other places I have had to carry him so he could see whatever was on top.

This was the first time I have been someplace that thought to have a stool for the little ones!

We saw PLENTY of snakes!

Another reptile:)

I THINK this guy is the Alligator Snapping Turtle. He lives in SC.
          It took us about 45 minutes to walk through. A perfect stop after driving 8 hours. I'm sure if you had the time you could stretch it longer. Also It could be shorter if you are not as interested as my 6 year old boy:) It was a nice pit stop. We are thinking of making a trip back because he enjoyed it a lot. It's only an hour and half from the beach. So over all it was a clean educational place to stop.

Location: South of the Border 3346 Highway 301 North

Dillon, SC 29547

Hours of Operation:

Monday-Thursday: 10am-7pm

Friday: 10am-9pm

Saturday: 9am-9pm

Sunday: 9am-8pm

Price: Adults $8, Children 12 and under $6
For more information: http://www.thesouthoftheborder.com/     click on Reptile Lagoon

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Holidays are Here!

     We had Thanksgiving today with my dad and Deb today. They called and asked if we wanted then to bring the nativity set for our yard. We used it last year. The kids and I like it, Shane not so much. It is and older plastic set my dad and Deb had in their yard FOREVER. Or so it seems. I think it's about 20 years old. They are at the point they don't want to put as much out in the yard. Shane thinks it looks nice at night but doesn't like all the wires from the lights of it and how that looks during the day. So we did a vote and he was out numbered 3 to 1. It was a good lesson on democracy for the kids. LOL
     The outside of the house is finished. We will do the inside next weekend. It feels strange but with Matthew and I traveling last week I was exhausted yesterday! Then with us doing Thanksgiving today there was no time. Not only that we put up a live tree. Last year by the time Christmas got here and Santa put the presents under the tree, all the needles were falling off. So we decided to wait a week. Our tree and inside will get decorated next Sunday after church. Our Saturday is already full with Holiday happenings! In the a.m. we are decorating the soup kitchen for Christmas and in the afternoon we are going to a pig pickin'. The following Saturday Shane and Matthew are in the Surfside parade with Boyscouts, breakfast with Santa at church and our annual Bunco Christmas party! I love the busyness of this time of year.
How are your holiday decorations and plans shaping up?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Not Prepared

In South Carolina My pea coat is perfect for winter weather. I hardly  have to wear it. I wear it maybe 10 times each winter. In NY it is not even warm enough for fall! I was so cold last night! I was so cold my knees were literally shaking! Even inside it is chilly. Up here people use gas to heat their homes so they have to be conservative. The inside temps are probably about 65! We keep our house 69 in the winter and 72 in the summer. We used to keep it 70 year round but when the price of electric went up we made little changes. I think it's funny how our bodies become acclimated to different climates. I did take comfort in seeing people from here wearing warm jackets. So I wasn't that off with my coldness:)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Traveling for the Holidays

     Matthew and I are visiting with my mom in NY this Thanksgiving week. Shane and Aspen stayed home. Aspen is in high school and can only miss 5 days each semester. She would have missed 2 days. She hasn't missed any yet but I wouldn't want her to get sick or something and use all her absences. I'm sure Saturday school wouldn't be fun! With Matthew in elementary school we have a little more wiggle room. Shane also works a second job in retail. Working Black Friday is a given! So it is weird being away from each other but I ended up with this week off from babysitting. So it made sense to come up this week.
     The trip up was uneventful. We split the trip and stayed at my sisters house in Virginia. We ate chicken from a Peruvian restaurant. I tried Yucca (or yuca) fries. They were.....okay. They were very thick. Not to bad but I couldn't eat more than a few. The chicken was YUMMY!! Nicely flavored and didn't need extra salt:) Then we hit the road again this morning. We drove through very, very rural Pennsylvania! So many. many trees and mountains. My ears are still popped! Matthew was very good during the drive. That made the drive a lot easier! I am so proud of him!
     We will be up here until Friday. Then split the trip by staying at my cousin's house in Baltimore. Matthew is most looking forward to that part of the trip. His one cousin is 6 months older and the other 6 months younger. Shane and Aspen will do Thanksgiving with his mom. Then on Sunday we will have our turkey. We need the leftover turkey in our house!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Wikipedia Founder

     I google a lot! Anything from a words spelling to the Caiman ( a kind of crocodile in South America). I google daily. Over the last couple of days I have seen on Wikipedia a picture of the founder on the top of the article. Once you click on it, it is a letter asking for donations to the site to keep it free.
     It freaks me out! Sounds crazy I know! But the guy looks like he is staring at you! LOL It reminds me of when I was a teen with posters in my room. I would get freaked out because it looks like they are looking at you! I didn't even get dressed or talk on the phone in my room! I used the bathroom where I had more privacy! The guy also resembles my brother! I hope the site is able to stay free. I can't use it for my papers but still it is a good starting point for them.
    Here is a link to something Matthew and I googled after our visit to the aquarium today. You will learn something new and see those eyes piercing you!  wikipedia search

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

To My Baby Girl

I love you with all of my heart! And no matter what a stupid boy thinks, you are the most beautiful and sweetest girl I know. I am so proud of who you are becoming! Always remember your self worth comes not from a stinky boy! Be proud of who you are and YOUR accomplishments! I love you to the moon and back!
Love you Sis,

Monday, November 8, 2010


    I made some changes to our evening routine. Both the kids are assigned two chores after school. Based on their age and abilities. Also after supper they both have four chores each. Matthew clears the table, wipes the table and chairs, gives the cats fresh water then walks around and picks up toys from the living room. Aspen has to put left-overs away, dry and put dishes away, wipe the counters and sweep. Aspen lost two after supper chores and Matthew gained four.
    They have always had chores but things haven't been getting done. So now the oldest can't text till after her homework and chores are done. I had a very grumpy teen tonight! She doesn't like change. Unless it benefits her. Well doing chores will benefit her she just doesn't realize the benefits. And of course she is THE ONLY person in the world who has to do chores or can't have privileges till they are done. Ah, the hardships of being a teen.
    Matthew surprised me. He complained at first. I think it was because he thought he was suppose too. But he was excited as he was doing his chores asking what was next. I know this excitement will wear off but it was still cute seeing him look forward to his next job!