Sunday, October 30, 2011

State Competition

Aspen's marching band made it to state this year! We drove 3 and 1/2 hours to and fro to watch her group compete yesterday. They did great! They placed 12th out of the 17 bands that made it to state. So they moved up three spots since last year! Pictures coming later:)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tricked Ya!

So I have been duped by my 7 year old! I have not been to a haunted house in at least 9 years! That streak will be over tonight. *gulp* Matthew has convinced himself and Shane that I said I would go with him tonight?!?!? How did that happen? I'm pretty sure he talked to me about it when I wasn't giving him my full attention. I think I said yes without fully paying attention. Any other moms ever do that? He went on Saturday night to Dr. Screams with Shane and loved it. All he has talked about since then is taking Mommy with him and how funny it will be when Mommy screams. So wish me luck tonight! I'm scared!!!!

 This is more my kinda scary, Matthew said, "Hey look I'm the headless horseman!"

Monday, October 24, 2011

Google Bar

While using Firefox I don't have a favorites list. So when I want to go to Pinterest I look in the Google tool bar to find it. Just now I did and here are some topics in my history:
dumb laws in Alabama
funny facts about Alabama
Chuck E Cheese in Alabama
 The rest were expected titles for a research paper. Think someone is doing a paper on Alabama?!? I thought these were funny and cute and had to share! Aspen said they each had to pick a state for their paper. I asked why she picked Alabama thinking it's because she knows someone from there...nope. She said no one picked it and she felt sorry for the state! I love the silliness!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Going to State

Lat night I drove to Hartsville, SC to watch Aspen's marching band perform in lower state.  I went by myself since Shane went with Matthew to his cub scout event. Shane also had tons of homework. It was suppose to be a two hour and fifteen minute drive. It took me almost 3 hours. I went to the actual high school instead of their stadium. I literally got there JUST IN TIME!! I paid as the band before them performed. I should have been able to see 3 other bands perform before her. They did great and out of 15 bands they ranked 6th! So next weekend they are going to state competition!
Can you see her? she is the one in black pants and blue uniform top. LOL I sent that picture and text to family and was asked your joking right?! I keep forgetting to take pictures. I get caught up in watching the performance that I don't take any. I must next weekend!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Almost Halloween

Wow a week and a half before Halloween. I need to get busy on our costumes! Matthew refuses to wear a homemade costume. He thinks it is not scary enough. But a $14 one from Walmart is? LOL We do this thing called trunk or treat at our church the Wednesday before Halloween. The adults stand by the trunk of their cars and the children dress up and trick or treat car to car. So people go all out and decorate their trunks. We decorate but not all out. This year though..... A commercial inspired me! Watch and take a guess on what I plan on doing!

If you guessed dressing and dancing like a hamster next to my KIA Soul well then your right! I have been practicing the dance when no ones around. Hahahahaha
Aspen wants to be an owl. I have been working on that costume based on one I saw on Pinterest. Then Shane? Well he never dresses up. I take that back We did convince him a few times. Maybe I'll go to Goodwill and try to get ideas for him. I love this time of year! But not the cold coming up! Bleh

Saturday, October 8, 2011

I Want To Be The President!

Today in the car this is how a conversation with Matthew went:

Matthew: Mommy when I grow up I want to be the president.

Me: The president of what?

Matthew: *sigh* The president of the United States of America!

Me: Oh wow that's cool! What made you decide you want to be the president?

Matthew: I want to see my name and face on the 44 president's poster.

Me: Do you also want to be president so you can help people?

Matthew: No I just want to be famous and hang on the wall in kids bedrooms.

Gotta love him!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Blank Piece of Paper

After not blogging for a while starting back up is kind of like looking at a blank piece of paper. Like getting ready to start a paper for class and not being able to get those first few sentences out.

I can't believe it is October already! This summer went to fast! The house is almost finished being decorated for Halloween. All I have left is hanging a cauldron and lights. Shane hangs Christmas lights and any other holiday is up to me. So I will hang them today.

Last night Matthew twisted my arm and forced me to go for a walk with him after dinner around the neighborhood. Not really all he said was please:) It was nice. Since it was dark my 7 year old son insisted on holding my hand. I liked that. Not many times anymore does he request my hand. We talked about school, the stars, the moon and of course Halloween. We even went out of our way to see a house with lots of items on display. I would like to make this a part of our routine. I don't want to miss out!

When we came home Aspen was outside doing homework and what not. I like this time of year. It is a little cooler and the mosquitoes are not as bad. I do dread the cold that is coming though. I hate winter! Even the mild winters in South Carolina.  Brrr I just got a chill thinking about winter. LOL
 Well there it is: my first blog post after months! A little all over but hey, you have to start somewhere!