This is a little aggravating! I want my photo to go across the whole top, not just a little square off center. Grrrr.....guess I will have to Google how to do that! I want to grow my blog this year. It is my goal to blog more often maybe even every day! Most definitely more that once a month!
I didn't make any New Year resolutions. I did make a 101 in 1001 list a few weeks ago. So I will work on that list a little every month. A few of my 101 I will work on this month are, teach Matthew how to tie his shoes. His current shoes are Velcro but he still needs to learn. I am a year or two behind on this one! Another is take my vitamins daily for 30 days. 2 down 28 to go. I know once I do this it will become habit. Make my blog pretty! I am trying but I need help from Google. I still have some time. Make a business plan. I have an idea for a business I am starting so this week I am making my business plan. Last for this month is blog daily for 30 days.
There are other goals I have but they are long term such as lose 40 pounds. I broke that up into smaller manageable goals such as 10 at a time. Another is hiking with Matthew once a month. Have 20K in our retirement fund by June 2013. These are more long term that need work every month, some daily. When I am in the home stretch with them I will post them as a monthly goal!
I hope everyone has had a blessed first couple of days of 2012!