Friday, January 6, 2012

Wizards Party

We are fans of the Disney show Wizards of Waverly Place. Tonight was the last show and when they revealed who the family wizard was! So me loving little theme kid parties used it as an excuse to have fun and have a little party! So we invited the girls I babysit and a couple of girls on our street. The show started at eight and I wanted to start at 7. Matthew was so excited when we got home he got the neighbors! So I had the girls do the cake mix for me! What a big help that was! While I was making dinner, Shane was practicing his magic act! We got a little kit from the dollar store and wizard Shane did a couple of tricks!
I lost Shane and found him studying his magic tricks! How sweet is that!

He had their attention!
Shane's bag, err box of tricks!

He has imagination! He is wear a pair of shorts on his head and underwear around his neck! He was chasing the girls and making them scream and screech.  

We had soup and subs for dinner. The family owns a sub shop so that's why I went with subs. I found this soup while walking down the Spanish food isle. It was really good and cheep! I told the kids since the mom on the show sometimes speaks Spanish that is why we are having the soup. LOL They loved it:) I also had deviled eggs and pretzel rods with the subs. The pretzel sticks represented wands! 

Wizard potion for drinks.

Lastly they had wizard hats for dessert! I coated sugar cones with melted chocolate! Use your imagination if you need too:)
We then watched the show. It was cute. One of the girls that was here lost her tooth!! All in all it was a very fun night and I am so tired! I feel like I did a regular birthday party.

Back to School Woes

     Spending the morning preparing myself for the start of the new semester next Monday. Not this day after Sunday Monday but next. LOL I was online ordering my books and aggravated by how much my philosophy books are!. Not so much the books themselves but the fact I have to take this stupid class again! So I looked over my transcripts and see that two did transfer over! So now I am patiently waiting till 8 so I can call and see if I really do need to retake it. And if so why.
     Shane is on his way to new student orientation this morning! He earned his Associates in December and has transferred to Coastal Carolina University. His classes start this Monday and he has orientation today! I am going to school online at Liberty University.One of our classes are the same. I noticed that and got excited thinking we could share the book and some $$ NOPE different books! Oh well It was an exciting thought for about 5 minutes.
     It is hard having us both in school full time at the same time. Add to that the kids in school and we at times have a hectic house! LOL Funny thing is this hectic school schedule has become normal. So normal the holiday break felt like it dragged on to long. And I have to wait another whole week for classes to start back up!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How Did You Ring in the New Year?

     As I sit here at the table blogging Shane is yelling because Michigan just got a touch down!! Awesome! So how did you ring in the new year? We stayed in. Matthew had a friend spend the night. (Yelling at the t.v again) The kids stayed up and enjoyed sparkling juice! With New Years on a Sunday we went to church. Shane and the kids went to our church and I went to a new church. It felt weird going someplace else! We have a friend who launched a new church on new years day. So I went out to support their family. Aspen was working with the children and Matthew's friend goes to church with us. (Again with the game! Our cat Rascal couldn't take it anymore and left him!) So we decided I would go and Shane would stay with the kids. Our friend did a great job!
      Later in the day we went to the state park for a hike. Matthew and I were excited, Shane and Aspen not so much! They were good sports and ended up having fun.
He is ready to go with his new walking stick! He ended up leaving it in the car after this picture.

She did not want to smile. That is her fake "this is the best I'm giving you" smile.

Last year during the cub scout camp out this tree was planted by the boys! It has grown a lot!

Shane climbing a tree. I just noticed he is wearing one of his Michigan sweatshirts. That's funny! I am posting this while he is enjoying the game.

The moss on the tree made it slippery. He didn't want to attempt climbing. He decided to crawl up the tree.

Notice all the lines made by a woodpecker! That was one busy bird!!

This tree had some sort of growth. We called it the big butt tree.

My family hiking:)

Aspen is now smiling! And yes she is taller than me!

He found these glasses on the trail. Later on he found a cool place to put them for the next boy.

She found garbage on the beach and automatically picked it up.
      A fun afternoon was had by all!! We then went home and finished off the day watching football!

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year New Name

    This is a little aggravating! I want my photo to go across the whole top, not just a little square off center. Grrrr.....guess I will have to Google how to do that! I want to grow my blog this year. It is my goal to blog more often maybe even every day! Most definitely more that once a month!
     I didn't make any New Year resolutions. I did make a 101 in 1001 list a few weeks ago. So I will work on that list a little every month. A few of my 101 I will work on this month are, teach Matthew how to tie his shoes. His current shoes are Velcro but he still needs to learn. I am a year or two behind on this one! Another is take my vitamins daily for 30 days. 2 down 28 to go. I know once I do this it will become habit. Make my blog pretty! I am trying but I need help from Google. I still have some time. Make a business plan. I have an idea for a business I am starting so this week I am making my business plan. Last for this month is blog daily for 30 days. 
   There are other goals I have but they are long term such as lose 40 pounds. I broke that up into smaller manageable goals such as 10 at a time. Another is hiking with Matthew once a month.  Have 20K in our retirement fund by June 2013. These are more long term that need work every month, some daily. When I am in the home stretch with them I will post them as a monthly goal!
     I hope everyone has had a blessed first couple of days of 2012!