Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Blue and White Game

     It's that time of the year again..... soccer season! At the end of January beginning of February there is a week of soccer tryouts. At the end of the week the girls have the traditional blue and white game. Half the team wears home jerseys and the other half wears away jerseys. The girls are mixed varsity and junior varsity. So there are both on each team. It is not varsity versus junior varsity.
     The girls find out if they made the team AFTER they play the game. I wish they knew before. It is heartbreaking to see them play then some of them not make the team. Well Aspen......made the JV team!!! She was so excited! When we talked about her trying out I told her to try her best. She had a friend last year that didn't make the team yet was on the year before. I think seeing that made her try her best.
     As we came home from church I couldn't help but smile when I saw the muddy stinky soccer cleats on my porch. I know I will get aggravated with them taking permanent residence. But tonight it made me smile:)


Anonymous said...

Sports used to bore me. I never played in one, and I never read about it. Complete lack of interest. Then, I married David and all that changed -- I now watch sports on TV, but still don't participate.

Kay said...

Congratulations, Aspen! My kids did sports and loved it. It really provided the opportunity to make a lot of new friends. Aspen will love it, too.