Monday, May 2, 2011

Gold Medals

Last weekend our family was in Charlotte at an ERLTC convention. LTC stands for Leadership Training for Christ. We are given a theme, book from the bible and a verse. We then interpret it and come up with drama skits, speeches, songs, puppets, art work and other things. The kids work hard then at convention show all their effort. I lead an elementary drama group to gold! It was our first gold. I have had drama for three years. The first year they gold bronze, then silver and this year gold. They and I have improved each year. We write our own skits by interpreting the scripture and theme given to us. This years theme was More Than Conquerors. Here is My drama kids performing!


Next the middle and high school drama group which Aspen was a part of!


Finally our chorus group.

All three performances earned gold! I am so proud of our youth. They participated in other events such as bible bowl, art, speech. bible reading and song leading. The children earned gold and silver. Way to go guys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is certainly a very good way to get kids interested in religion. I have lost interest in mine.