Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tricked Ya!

So I have been duped by my 7 year old! I have not been to a haunted house in at least 9 years! That streak will be over tonight. *gulp* Matthew has convinced himself and Shane that I said I would go with him tonight?!?!? How did that happen? I'm pretty sure he talked to me about it when I wasn't giving him my full attention. I think I said yes without fully paying attention. Any other moms ever do that? He went on Saturday night to Dr. Screams with Shane and loved it. All he has talked about since then is taking Mommy with him and how funny it will be when Mommy screams. So wish me luck tonight! I'm scared!!!!

 This is more my kinda scary, Matthew said, "Hey look I'm the headless horseman!"


Anonymous said...

So, did you scream over there? lol.

Melissa said...

He ended up not wanting to do it at the last possible moment after the tickets were bought! So I brought him home, picked up Aspen and her friend from next door and sat in the car while they enjoyed being scared! So I got out of it again this year!

Anonymous said...

haha! Terrific!