Monday, February 7, 2011

Family Theme Night

     Last year before our Disney trip in June I made an one hundred day count down. I cut out 100 little Mickey heads I copied from paint chip samples from Home Depot. On the count down I had interesting Disney World facts, Disney movie facts and theme nights planned for every other week. Each day we took down a Mickey head and read the fact or did the activity. Last week Shane asked me why didn't we do theme nights anymore. I told him I did it to help get us excited about Disney (like we needed help!). He said he wanted to do them again! So I told him to pick out the movie so I could plan. He let Matthew choose and our movie was Princess and The Frog!
     So I went to the DIS BOARDS for ideas! I missed being on the Disney planning forums. For dinner we had Zataran's Jambalaya, corn and corn bread. It was good! Zataran's also has on their Facebook page fun jazz music to listen to!

We had swamp juice with dinner!
      With Mardi Gras around the corner I was able to find decorations at the Dollar Tree!

The table cloth was more purplish. Psst Shane, see I need a new camera:)
     We only did one craft. I bought a craft for the kids to work on together. I thought it would take too long for each to do their own. I wasn't expecting Aspen to get made about the finished frog not looking like the box!
     We played a couple games. We all had party favors and we tried to "catch" Matthew's toy bugs with our frog tongues. We then played firefly hide and seek. We had glow sticks and one person hid. All the lights were out and we had to use our glow sticks as our lights. It was fun! Matthew was a little scared of the dark so him and I were one person.

Dessert: Mud pie

Dessert: Frog Sherbet

          Then it was movie time. We had fun! I liked doing this again. I think we may have to make it a part of our routine. Maybe do it once a month.


Anonymous said...

Great! Once a month, huh? Looking forward to it, myself. LOL.

Kay said...

You are such a good mommy! Your kids are learning so much from you because they're having fun.